Classes &




Japanese/ESOL/writing teacher with proven track record, consultant, advisor and coach


Japanese Class Information

Children/Youth Classes

For young beginner learners,  we work on basic greetings, pronunciation and basic words such as colors, numbers, days of the week etc. We begin learning hiragana (and later katakana) through workbooks, online tools, games, crafts, songs, flash cards and apps.  We meet in person in Falls Church, VA or on zoom. 

  • Private lessons are scheduled weekly, they are usually 1 hour, but can be modified for the needs of the children/youth.

  • Group lessons may meet once a quarter.   

  • Textbooks; Japanese from Zero 1, 2 and 3, while supplementing with other texts as needed.

Jennifer and Student learning Japanese

Adult Classes

Most adults who come for lessons have had some Japanese instruction before, either self-study or in a classroom. 

We build on what they already have:

  • Review: grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, reading, kanji

  • Build on: listening, speaking and writing skills

Most students prefer to use a textbook, but it is not necessary for those who already know the basics. We often use the following books:

  • GENKI I & II

  • Japanese for Busy People I, II & II

  • Marugoto (online and paper books - all levels)

  • JLPT prep books

  • Kanji books

  • Grammar dictionaries

  • and many more!

Jennifer and Adult Class on Zoom
Jennifer and adult class in the classroom


English Class Information



Suzu and a young Japanese student learning English



Adult Classes

Jennifer has taught hundred of Japanese adults in California, Japan and the DC area.  Each person has their own needs.  For example, housewives/mothers might want to improve their English to talk to their child’s teachers and parents of classmates.  Business people and government workers might need help with presentations or simple conversation practice.  There are many online tools that can be utilized asa well. Whatever the need is, Jennifer will work out a program to help get the students to their goals. 

Jennifer and Adult Japanese student learning English

Children/Youth Classes

Jennifer has taught hundreds of Japanese children and youth in California and the DC area.  Each child has different needs as well as strengths and weaknesses.  Jennifer meets with the parents in a free meet and greet session (20 minutes) to discuss the needs of the child.  We can start from ABCs or help with high school history homework or preparation for returning to Japan, such as Eiken or TOEFL.  We meet on zoom or in person in Falls Church, VA.  Jennifer teaches students in multiple time zones and has students in Japan as well as the US.


Students enjoying a cooking class

Cooking Classes

Monthly/quarterly cooking class with Jennifer to introduce “American” cooking to Japanese. Jennifer decides the theme and sends out a shopping list before the class. Students buy the ingredients - shopping for new/unknown items is part of the experience! Students and Jennifer cook the dishes together and then enjoy lunch! Previous classes themes have included “Italian-American cooking” “winter warm up with spices” “picnic foods” and holiday favorites likes Thanksgiving and Christmas.

SJA event - Tanabata festival

SJA Events

Study Japanese in Arlington (SJA) events include Japanese language and cultural classes (online and in-person), cultural workshops and festivals, advocacy for Japanese language programs in public schools.

Take a look at the classes and events available through SJA.

Jennifer teaching in classroom at Arlington Community Learning

Arlington Community Learning

Jennifer teaches Japanese at Arlington County evening classes for adults.  There are 5-6 levels every 10 week semester.